Caring for Employees

Employee Growth

A reasonable career development path is an important guarantee for the growth of employees. The company has established a sound training system to help employees grow rapidly from the orientation training, business training, on-the-job training, and other dimensions, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly adapting to the work requirements of the new position.

Employee Benefits:

Committed to build competitive compensation and benefits for employees. To provide employees with compentitive insurance, learning and training and other aspects of the welfare security. The company organizes a sports meeting and a variety of cultural activities every year. 

Employee occupational health and safety:

The company has set up a safety committee and a safety team, which is responsible for formulating safety-related goals and action plans, organizing safety training regularly, inspecting safety hidden dangers, and conducting drills of various emergency events, such as fire fighting and disaster drills, to prevent possible safety risks.

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